250-562-9525 loc. 104

DP Todd Secondary School Music Program provides instruction of instrumental music primarily in a Concert Band and Jazz Band setting. We are proud to provide a creative and safe environment to explore musical talents which brings joy to our students, school and community at large. We have a variety of performing groups both curricular and extra-curricular including Concert Bands, Jazz Bands, Brass Ensembles, Flute Choir, Vocal groups and more
Our Band Teacher is Mrs. Klein
Links to music recordings
Grade 9 Snow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xX46KhoN_PA
Grade 9 Happy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQNZ9FFdDNA
Boogie Blues: https://brucepearsonmusic.com/repertoire/collections-for-band-solos-ensembles/first-performance/
Grade 9 Dragon Slayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAV_voMU1Qo
DP Todd Music Program
Watch our Senior Band Students in their "DP Todd goes to Hollywood Concert" recorded live on March 18th, 2021
pswd: DP Todd 2021
...making connections in our school, our community and the world
through our passion for music...
Welcome! You've come to the right place. Here you will find our busy performing schedule, band trip information, student highlights and more. Read on to learn more.